Invisalign an Excellent Alternative to Correct Malocclusion with Braces without Metal

Invisalign an Excellent Alternative to Correct Malocclusion with Braces without Metal

Sep 01, 2021

If for some reason you don’t have teeth appearing straight or beautiful because you are affected by malocclusion, leaving you with overbites, underbites, crossbites, gaps between your teeth cleaning Surrey, crooked and crowded teeth, you have a problem you must overcome as soon as possible. Your dental imperfections will also hamper you from maintaining appropriate dental hygiene, make you prone to dental infections, and needing treatments from the dentist near me frequently. You may have information on how orthodontists treat the problems affecting you. However, the thought of having braces with metal and wires on your teeth for three years or more may deter you keeping you away from accessing the treatment. As you face a predicament, let us give you a suggestion to help you overcome the problems you encounter.


Instead of trying to battle malocclusion without treatment, you will find it helpful if you contact King George dental Center for an excellent remedy to have beautiful teeth and a straighter smile using braces without any metal or wires around your mouth. If you haven’t heard about this alternative treatment offered by the dental Center, we suggest you visit them for consultation because you will return happy knowing you can undoubtedly straighten your teeth without a mouth full of metal.


Before you proceed to the Dental Center, please research Invisalign near me to understand how dental-grade clear plastic aligners make treating problems in your mouth a breeze.


What Is Invisalign Treatment?


The treatment provided by Invisalign Newton Center involves the process of wearing a series of virtually invisible clear aligners over your teeth to straighten them gradually. The treatment does not saddle with brackets and wires or any restrictions familiar with traditional orthodontic treatments.


Flexible plastic helps make Invisalign clear aligners using a patented material known as SmartTrack® developed explicitly for Invisalign treatment. The FDA has approved Invisalign treatment because the clear aligners do not contain any BPA, gluten, latex, and bps. In addition, the clear aligners are thin and developed to fit over your teeth, snugly remaining virtually invisible in your mouth.


What Are the Benefits of Undergoing Invisalign Treatment?


Invisalign treatment has many benefits, some of which we list in this article. Invisalign aligners being virtually invisible, remaining discreetly in your mouth, and are unnoticeable by anyone unless you make a concerted effort to show them off. Invisalign clear aligners have a removable feature that allows you to take the aligners out of your mouth to eat the foods you love and drink your favorite beverages. Brushing and flossing your teeth is also permitted when undergoing invisalign Surrey treatment, ensuring the aligners will not affect your dental hygiene. The lack of metal brackets or wires to irritate your mouth, sending you for emergency dental visits are also non-existent.


The removable feature of Invisalign clear aligners doesn’t mean you can have them over your teeth only when you please. The aligners must remain on your teeth for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours every day if you want to complete your treatment faster than traditional braces. In addition, you must complete all regular activities within the timeline specified by the dentist Newton Surrey. If not, you compromise the results and increase the costs of your treatment because you may need extra aligners than initially planned.


Are You Suitable for Invisalign Treatment?


Your first appointment with King George dental Center will help you determine whether you are suitable for Invisalign treatment. The dentist over there will assess your teeth to determine how complicated the situation is. While Invisalign treatment is ideal for adults or teenagers looking for a beautiful smile, your candidature for the treatment may not be suitable if you have a complicated situation in your mouth.


If assessed as suitable, the dentist captures 3D images of your teeth and mouth to have the clear aligners custom created for you. You can start the treatment in a few weeks when you receive the aligners from the manufacturers by wearing them over your teeth immediately. Each aligner must remain on your teeth for about two to three weeks when you receive replacements for the existing match with a new set.


With no brackets or wires on the braces, the requirement of scheduling an appointments with orthodontists is eliminated. Instead, you visit Invisalign Newton Center once every six to eight weeks to assess your progress and to pick up your new batch of aligners for the next three fortnight’s. As you complete the treatment with Invisalign clear aligners, you realize the challenge of having straighter teeth and a beautiful smile without metal and wire braces is a reality and join over 10 million beneficiaries of Invisalign treatment globally displaying a beautiful smile from this excellent alternative orthodontic treatment.

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